Calculate fold change.

  margin = c("variable", "sample"),
  cor_method = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"),
  p_adjust_method = c(c("BH", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BY", "fdr",
  p_adjust_cutoff = 0.05,
  p_value_cutoff = 0.05,
  pos_cor_cutoff = 0,
  neg_cor_cutoff = 0



tidymass-class object.


variable or sample


spearman, pearson or kendall


see ?p.adjust


between 0 to 1


between 0 to 1


between 0 to 1


between -1 to 0


tbl_graph class object (from tidygraph)


Xiaotao Shen



#> -------------------- 
#> massdataset version: 0.01 
#> -------------------- 
#> 1.expression_data:[ 21607 x 24 data.frame]
#> 2.sample_info:[ 24 x 4 data.frame]
#> 3.variable_info:[ 21607 x 3 data.frame]
#> 4.sample_info_note:[ 4 x 2 data.frame]
#> 5.variable_info_note:[ 3 x 2 data.frame]
#> 6.ms2_data:[ 0 variables x 0 MS2 spectra]
#> -------------------- 
#> Processing information (extract_process_info())
#> 1 processings in total
#> Creation ---------- 
#>       Package         Function.used                Time
#> 1 massdataset create_mass_dataset() 2021-12-23 00:24:02

qc_id <-
  liver_aging_pos %>%
  activate_mass_dataset(what = "sample_info") %>%
  dplyr::filter(group == "QC") %>%

object <-
  mutate_rsd(liver_aging_pos, according_to_samples = qc_id)

###only remain the features with rt > 100, mz > 150 and rsd < 30
object <-
  object %>%
  activate_mass_dataset(what = "variable_info") %>%
  dplyr::filter(rt > 100) %>%
  dplyr::filter(mz > 150) %>%
  dplyr::filter(rsd < 30)

##only remain the week 24 samples
object <-
  object %>%
  activate_mass_dataset(what = "sample_info") %>%
  dplyr::filter(group == "24W")

#> variables   samples 
#>       751        10 

object <-
  object %>%
  `+`(1) %>%
  log(10) %>%
  scale_data(method = "auto")

graph_data <-
    object = object,
    margin = "variable",
    cor_method = "spearman",
    p_adjust_cutoff = 1,
    p_value_cutoff = 0.0001,
    pos_cor_cutoff = 0.7,
    neg_cor_cutoff = -0.7

#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): .Keyboard
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): .New York
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): .SF Compact
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): .SF Compact Rounded
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): .SF NS Mono
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): .SF NS Rounded
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Academy Engraved LET
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Andale Mono
#> More than one version of regular/bold/italic found for Apple Braille. Skipping setup for this font.
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): AppleMyungjo
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Arial
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Arial Black
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Arial Narrow
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Arial Rounded MT Bold
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Arial Unicode MS
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Bodoni 72 Smallcaps
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Bodoni Ornaments
#> No regular (non-bold, non-italic) version of Brush Script MT. Skipping setup for this font.
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Comic Sans MS
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Courier New
#> No regular (non-bold, non-italic) version of DIN Alternate. Skipping setup for this font.
#> No regular (non-bold, non-italic) version of DIN Condensed. Skipping setup for this font.
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Georgia
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Impact
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Khmer Sangam MN
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Lao Sangam MN
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Luminari
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Microsoft Sans Serif
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Adlam
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Avestan
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Bamum
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Bassa Vah
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Batak
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Bhaiksuki
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Brahmi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Buginese
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Buhid
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Carian
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans CaucAlban
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Chakma
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Cham
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Coptic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Cuneiform
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Cypriot
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Duployan
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans EgyptHiero
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Elbasan
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Glagolitic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Gothic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans HanifiRohg
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Hanunoo
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Hatran
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans ImpAramaic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans InsPahlavi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans InsParthi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Kaithi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Kayah Li
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Kharoshthi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Khojki
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Khudawadi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Lepcha
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Limbu
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Linear A
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Linear B
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Lisu
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Lycian
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Lydian
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Mahajani
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Mandaic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Manichaean
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Marchen
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans MeeteiMayek
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Mende Kikakui
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Meroitic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Miao
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Modi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Mongolian
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Mro
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Multani
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans N'Ko
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Nabataean
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans NewTaiLue
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Newa
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Ogham
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Ol Chiki
#> No regular (non-bold, non-italic) version of Noto Sans Old Italic. Skipping setup for this font.
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Old Permic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Old Turkic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans OldHung
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans OldNorArab
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans OldPersian
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans OldSouArab
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Osage
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Osmanya
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Palmyrene
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans PauCinHau
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans PhagsPa
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Phoenician
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans PsaPahlavi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Rejang
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Runic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Samaritan
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Saurashtra
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Sharada
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Shavian
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Siddham
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans SoraSomp
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Sundanese
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Syloti Nagri
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Syriac
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Tagalog
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Tagbanwa
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Tai Le
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Tai Tham
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Tai Viet
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Takri
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Thaana
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Tifinagh
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Tirhuta
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Ugaritic
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Vai
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Wancho
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans WarangCiti
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Sans Yi
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Serif Ahom
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Noto Serif Balinese
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Party LET
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): System Font
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Tahoma
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Times New Roman
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Trattatello
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Trebuchet MS
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Verdana
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Webdings
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Wingdings
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Wingdings 2
#> Registering font with R using pdfFont(): Wingdings 3
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): .Keyboard
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): .New York
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): .SF Compact
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): .SF Compact Rounded
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): .SF NS Mono
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): .SF NS Rounded
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Academy Engraved LET
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Andale Mono
#> More than one version of regular/bold/italic found for Apple Braille. Skipping setup for this font.
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): AppleMyungjo
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Arial
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Arial Black
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Arial Narrow
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Arial Rounded MT Bold
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Arial Unicode MS
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Bodoni 72 Smallcaps
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Bodoni Ornaments
#> No regular (non-bold, non-italic) version of Brush Script MT. Skipping setup for this font.
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Comic Sans MS
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Courier New
#> No regular (non-bold, non-italic) version of DIN Alternate. Skipping setup for this font.
#> No regular (non-bold, non-italic) version of DIN Condensed. Skipping setup for this font.
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Georgia
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Impact
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Khmer Sangam MN
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Lao Sangam MN
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Luminari
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Microsoft Sans Serif
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Adlam
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Avestan
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Bamum
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Bassa Vah
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Batak
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Bhaiksuki
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Brahmi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Buginese
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Buhid
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Carian
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans CaucAlban
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Chakma
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Cham
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Coptic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Cuneiform
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Cypriot
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Duployan
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans EgyptHiero
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Elbasan
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Glagolitic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Gothic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans HanifiRohg
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Hanunoo
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Hatran
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans ImpAramaic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans InsPahlavi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans InsParthi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Kaithi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Kayah Li
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Kharoshthi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Khojki
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Khudawadi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Lepcha
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Limbu
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Linear A
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Linear B
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Lisu
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Lycian
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Lydian
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Mahajani
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Mandaic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Manichaean
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Marchen
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans MeeteiMayek
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Mende Kikakui
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Meroitic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Miao
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Modi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Mongolian
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Mro
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Multani
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans N'Ko
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Nabataean
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans NewTaiLue
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Newa
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Ogham
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Ol Chiki
#> No regular (non-bold, non-italic) version of Noto Sans Old Italic. Skipping setup for this font.
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Old Permic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Old Turkic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans OldHung
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans OldNorArab
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans OldPersian
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans OldSouArab
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Osage
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Osmanya
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Palmyrene
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans PauCinHau
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans PhagsPa
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Phoenician
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans PsaPahlavi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Rejang
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Runic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Samaritan
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Saurashtra
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Sharada
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Shavian
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Siddham
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans SoraSomp
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Sundanese
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Syloti Nagri
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Syriac
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Tagalog
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Tagbanwa
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Tai Le
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Tai Tham
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Tai Viet
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Takri
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Thaana
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Tifinagh
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Tirhuta
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Ugaritic
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Vai
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Wancho
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans WarangCiti
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Sans Yi
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Serif Ahom
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Noto Serif Balinese
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Party LET
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): System Font
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Tahoma
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Times New Roman
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Trattatello
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Trebuchet MS
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Verdana
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Webdings
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Wingdings
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Wingdings 2
#> Registering font with R using postscriptFont(): Wingdings 3
ggraph(graph = graph_data, layout = "kk") +
  geom_edge_fan(aes(color = correlation,
                    width = -log(p_value, 10)),
                show.legend = TRUE) +
  geom_node_point(aes(size = mz)) +

ggraph(graph = graph_data, layout = "fr") +
  geom_edge_fan(aes(color = correlation,
                    width = -log(p_value, 10)),
                show.legend = TRUE) +
  geom_node_point(aes(size = mz)) +